Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Economic and Political Weekly
Source : Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 25, no. 39, pp. A105-A110, 1990.
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Economics
Center : Amrita Center for Economics & Governance (ACEG)
Department : Department of Economics
Year : 1990
Abstract : Of late there has been a debate on whether green revolution has reduced absolute poverty among farm families in India Most of the studies examining the issue relate to the all-India rural sector. But since the green revolution has not spread evenly in all the regions, the changes in the level of poverty reported in these studies do not strictly relate to the phenomenon. Haryana is one of those few regions where new agricultural technology has spread more widely than others and therefore the experience of its farmers should provide us a better picture of how poverty among farmers changes with the spread of new farming technology.
Cite this Research Publication :
Dr. Satya Paul, “Green Revolution and Poverty among Farm Families in Haryana, 1969/70-1982/83”, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 25, no. 39, pp. A105-A110, 1990.