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Green nanocomposites based on natural rubber latex containing xylan from sugarcane bagasseSynthesis, characterization and dye absorption studies

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings

Source : Materials Today: Proceedings,46, 2950-2954

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Chemistry

Year : 2021

Abstract : Natural rubber latex is exceptionally resistant to wear and tear, possess great tensile strength, elongation and resilience, and has high hydrophobicity and film forming character. These combined properties make them a good candidate for dye absorption purpose. The elimination of colour from dye-tainted wastewaters in the textile, dyeing, printing and other related industries has been a crucial hitch to environment. The membrane processes are considered as the simple and effective method to remove dyes than any other methods. Natural rubber latex was mixed with xylan nanopowder extracted from sugarcane bagasse to develop thin films of good porosity. Xylan powder synthesized was characterized using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy and X-Ray Diffraction studies (XRD). Scanning Electron microscopy (SEM) studies were done to examine the distribution xylan particles in latex matrix. UVVisible spectroscopy was used to study the dye absorption. Results shows that xylan prepared are in the nano regime and could be evenly distributed in latex film. The films show exceptional dye absorption properties for both methylene blue and malachite green.

Cite this Research Publication : Hema, S., Krishnan, A., Akther, A., Suresh, A., Sambhudevan, S., & Shankar, B. (2021). Green nanocomposites based on natural rubber latex containing xylan from sugarcane bagasseSynthesis, characterization and dye absorption studies.Materials Today: Proceedings,46, 2950-2954

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