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Grab Force Measurement for Hand Orthosis

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : 2019 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP)

Source : 2019 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), IEEE, Chennai, India, India (2019)

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Keywords : Actuators, closed loop system, closed loop systems, force, force measurement, force sensitive resistor, grab force, Grip, hand orthosis, hand orthotic devices, MATLAB, mild stroke patients, orthosis, Orthotics, partial control, Patient rehabilitation, Prototypes, recovery process, rehabilitation, research work, Stroke (medical condition), stroke survivors, thumb, torque, Torque control

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Center : Humanitarian Technology (HuT) Labs

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2019

Abstract : Rehabilitation is a key element in the recovery process of stroke survivors. As one part of the body is paralyzed, the recovery process takes time depending on the severity of the stroke. Mild stroke patients might be able to recover fast. Our research work is for such patients who have lost partial control of their hands due to mild stroke. Many of the existing studies does not take into account, the grab force for feedback to make a closed loop system. They only consider the opening and closing of the orthotic devices. The proposed system introduces a design to measure the grab forces of the fingers and thumb while grabbing an object. The measurement of the forces will be helpful in determining the torque requirements of the actuators used in hand orthotic devices.

Cite this Research Publication : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, T, H., and O, U., “Grab Force Measurement for Hand Orthosis”, in 2019 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), Chennai, India, India, 2019

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