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Golden-chip free power metric based hardware trojan detection and diagnosis

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, Pushpa Publishing House,

Source : Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, Pushpa Publishing House, Volume 17, Number 3, p.517-530 (2017)

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2017

Abstract : Integrated circuits (ICs) are infected by the malicious circuits called hardware trojans (HTs) while outsourcing the fabrication process. This major threat has drawn the attention of researchers both in industry and academia. Many trojan detection schemes are introduced to reduce the risk of the trojan on the IC, but most of the schemes need a goldenchip as a reference module. Identifying trojan-free chip by reverse engineering process is quite difficult and costly. The golden-chip free trojan detection and diagnosis method by analyzing the side-channel parameters of the circuit at different time instances for the same input sequence has been attempted in this work. The circuit is divided into modules/cells measuring their individual powers. The power metric is calculated from the measured peak power with total power and the inconsistency detects the presence of trojan in the circuit. These power measurements are reused as a reference for the other similar modules, which contain same gates and reduce the cost of diagnosis process. This scheme has been verified on ISCAS'89 benchmark circuits. © 2017 Pushpa Publishing House, Allahabad, India.

Cite this Research Publication : R. S. Ranjani and Dr. Nirmala Devi M., “Golden-chip free power metric based hardware trojan detection and diagnosis”, Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 17, pp. 517-530, 2017.

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