Publication Type : Book
Publisher : Routledge India (South Asia Edition), London: Routledge/ New Delhi
Source : Routledge India (South Asia Edition), London: Routledge/ New Delhi, p.XVII,277 (2016)
Url :
ISBN : 9781138219557
Campus : Amritapuri
School : Department of Management
Department : Department of Management
Year : 2016
Abstract : This book provides a detailed examination of the impact of globalisation on plantation labour, dominated by women labour, in India. The studies presented here highlight the perpetuation of low wages, inferior social status and low human development of workers in this sector and point out the movement of labour away from this sector and the resultant labour shortage. It also highlights the perils involved in doing away with the Plantation Labour Act 1951 and provides a plausible way forward for improving the conditions of plantation workers.
Cite this Research Publication : K. J. Joseph and Dr. Viswanathan P. K., Globalisation, Development and Plantation Labour in India. London: Routledge/ New Delhi: Routledge India (South Asia Edition), 2016, p. XVII,277.