Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : PLoS One
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Agricultural Sciences
Year : 2018
Abstract : Chloris truncata is a significant weed in summer crops in the subtropical region of Australia. A study was conducted to evaluate the effect of environmental factors on germination and emergence of two populations of C. truncata. Overall, germination was not affected by the populations. Seeds germinated at a wide range of alternating day/night temperatures, suggesting that seeds can germinate throughout the spring, winter and autumn seasons. Seed germination was stimulated by the presence of light; however, 51 to 71% of these seeds still germinated in the dark. The sodium chloride concentration and osmotic potential required to inhibit germination of 50% of the population were 179 mM and -0.52 MPa, respectively. A high proportion of seeds germinated over a wide pH range (4 to 10). Seeds placed on the soil surface had greatest germination (67%) and a burial depth of 3 cm resulted in complete inhibition of emergence. The sorghum residue amount required to reduce emergence by 50% was 1.8 t ha-1. The results suggest that, although this weed will be favored in no-till systems, residue retention on the soil surface will help in reducing its infestation. Seed bank buildup can be managed by burying seeds below the depth of emergence.
Cite this Research Publication : Chauhan BS, Manalil S, Florentine S, Jha P. 2018b. Germination ecology of Chloris truncata and its implication for weed management. PLoS ONE 13