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Geometric Programming-Based Power Optimization and Design Automation for a Digitally Controlled Pulse Width Modulator

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing

Source : Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing (2017)

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electronics and Communication

Year : 2017

Abstract : This paper proposes a tool for the synthesis of the design and optimization of digitally controlled pulse width modulator (PWM). There are three phases for the proposed tool. In the first phase, an accurate transistor level model for 90nbsp;nm fabrication technology is generated using MATLAB curve-fitting tool box (Dunbar in Am J Phys 24(6):464–464, 1956) and Cadence Spectre Circuit Simulator, which successfully replicates the transistor performance of Cadence 90nbsp;nm fabrication technology. In the second phase, the PWM specification is optimally decomposed among its subcomponents. The optimized design of subcomponents is accomplished via Geometric programming in the third phase. A practical design example in Cadence 90nbsp;nm fabrication technology is presented to substantiate the suggested methodology for unified design automation and power optimization.

Cite this Research Publication : Rajeswari P., Shekar G., Devi S., and Dr. Purushothaman A., “Geometric Programming-Based Power Optimization and Design Automation for a Digitally Controlled Pulse Width Modulator”, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 2017.

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