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Geometric Correction For Braille Document Images

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : Second International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, SIGPRO

Source : Second International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, SIGPRO. pp. 35-46, 2016.

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Center : Center for Computational Engineering and Networking

Department : Computer Science

Verified : Yes

Year : 2016

Abstract : Braille system has been used by the visually impair ed people for reading.The shortage of Braille books has caused a need for conversion of Braille t o text. This paper addresses the geometric correction of a Braille document images. Due to the standard measurement of the Braille cells, identification of Braille characters could be achie ved by simple cell overlapping procedure. The standard measurement varies in a scaled document an d fitting of the cells become difficult if the document is tilted. This paper proposes a line fitt ing algorithm for identifying the tilt (skew) angle. The horizontal and vertical scale factor is identified based on the ratio of distance between characters to the distance between dots. Th ese are used in geometric transformation matrix for correction. Rotation correction is done prior to scale correction. This process aids in increased accuracy. The results for various Braille documents are tabulated.

Cite this Research Publication : A. .A.V, .S, I., and Dr. Padmavathi S., “Geometric Correction For Braille Document Images”, Second International Conference on Signal and Image Processing, SIGPRO. pp. 35-46, 2016.

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