Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Source : Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 19 (2), pp. 78 – 88, 2024
Url :
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2024
Abstract : Electric vehicles are replacing IC engine-based vehicles. Almost all countries are investing in electric vehicles due to the concern about the environment and achieving energy efficiency. Due to the sudden surge of electric vehicles, there is a growing demand for power generation. The existing generation capacity in all the countries will not be able to keep up with the demand unless they find an alternate solution. As a measure of this renewable energy, the Vehicle to Grid (V2G) concept is gaining more scope. In V2G applications, the stored energy in the battery of electric vehicles is injected into the grid whenever the demand on the grid increases. This not only helps in managing the load demand and energy development in developing countries but also minimizes the investment in increasing the base load capacity of the power plant. There must be proper control taken care of while injecting the power into the grid. The energy stored in the battery must be converted into alternating current of power frequency and should be harmonic-free when it is being dumped into the grid. A DC-DC converter and inverters are generally used for this application. In this paper, a SEPIC DC-DC converter and Matrix converter-based inverter with an LCL filter is used for the V2G application. During discharging of the battery, the terminal voltage of the battery continuously decreases, therefore, it is necessary to maintain the input to the inverter terminal constant. Hence a fuzzy logic-based control of the SEPIC converter to maintain its output voltage constant is proposed in this paper. The simulation results for V2G mode are presented.
Cite this Research Publication : Rajavel R., Rashmi M.R., Sasilatha T., Suresh A., Priya S., Kumar S.S., Low W.P., “Fuzzy Logic-Based Control of Sepic Converter for Vehicle-To-Grid Application”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 19 (2), pp. 78 – 88, 2024