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Frequency domain steganography with reversible texture combination

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : IIETA

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Campus : Amaravati

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Year : 2018

Abstract : Texture Combination is a process of re-sampling a smaller texture image to synthesize a new texture with similar appearance. This texture combination is weaved with Steganography to conceal secret text messages. In this paper, a novel texture combination based Steganographic method in frequency domain is proposed to hide and send secret messages. In contrast to the existing techniques, this method generates a Stego synthetic texture of arbitrary size rather than embedding in the original image. This method offers an embedding capacity that is proportional to the size of the Stego synthetic texture. Moreover its reversible capability allows recovering secret messages and the source texture. The texture combination is performed in frequency domain making use of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) which makes it almost impossible for a Steganalytic algorithm to defeat this approach. Experimental results verify that the proposed method provides various embedding capacities, produces visually good texture images and recover secret messages.

Cite this Research Publication : Thulasi Bikku, Radhika Paturi "Frequency domain steganography with reversible texture combination"

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