Publication Type : Presentation
Publisher : Lake 2016: Conference on Conservation and Sustainable Management of Ecologically Sensitive Regions in Western Ghats, 10th Biennial Lake Conference: Wetlands for Our Future, Mangalore, Karnataka.
Source : Lake 2016: Conference on Conservation and Sustainable Management of Ecologically Sensitive Regions in Western Ghats, 10th Biennial Lake Conference: Wetlands for Our Future, Mangalore, Karnataka. (2016)
Url : is external)
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Civil
Year : 2016
Abstract : The state of Kerala has been gifted with vibrant climate and vivacious geological features to support different types of ecosystems. Blessed with such a great diversity in the State’s physical settings, it is no surprise that the urban population of Kerala has registered a huge growth over the last few decades. This has given rise to several changes within the state, demographic as well as economic. What started with a gentle push from the government policies set in place in the 1940s received a further lunge due to a shift from food crops towards export-oriented crops in the 1960s. Kerala has been the subject of various changes in development patterns over the past few decades. Increasing urbanization rates require access to more free land for development, which has become detrimental to our existing forest cover.
Cite this Research Publication : Ramkrishnan R. and Ramachandra, T. V., “Four decades of forest loss: Droughts in Kerala (Poster)”, Lake 2016: Conference on Conservation and Sustainable Management of Ecologically Sensitive Regions in Western Ghats, 10th Biennial Lake Conference: Wetlands for Our Future. Mangalore, Karnataka., 2016.