Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Amrita e-Learning Research Lab
Publisher : Procedia Computer Science
Source : Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier B.V. (2015)
Url :
Keywords : Computer vision, Data mining, Discussion forum, E-learning, Exchange of information, Footprint modeling, Integral part, Internet, Massive open online course, Question and Answer, Stack overflow
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Center : E-Learning
Department : E-Learning
Year : 2015
Abstract : Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have gained immense popularity in the last few years. An integral part of any course that runs on a MOOC platform is the learners' interaction. Most of this interaction happens today via forums that are built into the course section. In this paper, we begin by highlighting the purpose of forums in MOOCs and its shortcomings such as quantity of participation, good set of resident or visiting experts, unregulated exchange of information and lack of auto answering. Then we turn our focus on analysing the data of successful Community Question and Answer (CQamp;A) sites such as Stack Overflow, Quora and Yahoo! Answers using data mining techniques. Based on what we learnt, we list features that are needed in MOOC forums. Finally, we also propose a forum footprint that can adjust dynamically based on community behaviour.
Cite this Research Publication : R. Anbalagan, A. Kumar, and Kamal Bijlani, “Footprint Model for Discussion Forums in MOOC”, in Procedia Computer Science, 2015.