Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine
Publisher : ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces
Source : ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, Volume 4, Number 5, p.2618-2629 (2012)
Url :
Keywords : animal, Animals, Anti-bacterial activity, Anti-Bacterial Agents, antiinfective agent, article, bandage, Bandages, Biomaterials, Blood, cell adhesion, Cell Line, Cell Survival, Cells, chemistry, chitosan, Chitosan hydrogel, Cytology, degradation, drug effect, Escherichia coli, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, hemostatic, human, Humans, hydrogel, Hydrogels, In-vivo tests, metal nanoparticle, Metal Nanoparticles, Microporosity, Nanocomposites, Nanoparticles, porosity, rat, Rats, scanning electron microscopy, Sprague Dawley rat, Sprague-Dawley, Staphylococcus aureus, Wound healing, X ray diffraction analysis, Zinc oxide, ZnO nanoparticles
Campus : Kochi
School : Center for Nanosciences
Center : Amrita Center for Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine Move, Nanosciences
Department : Nanosciences and Molecular Medicine
Year : 2012
Abstract : Current wound dressings have disadvantages such as less flexibility, poor mechanical strength, lack of porosity, and a tendency for dressings to adhere onto the wound surface; in addition, a majority of the dressings did not possess antibacterial activity. Hydrogel-based wound dressings would be helpful to provide a cooling sensation and a moisture environment, as well as act as a barrier to microbes. To overcome these hassles, we have developed flexible and microporous chitosan hydrogel/nano zinc oxide composite bandages (CZBs) via the incorporation of zinc oxide nanoparticles (nZnO) into chitosan hydrogel. The prepared nanocomposite bandages were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). In addition, swelling, degradation, blood clotting, antibacterial, cytocompatibility, cell attachment on the material, and cell infiltration into the composite bandages were evaluated. The nanocomposite bandage showed enhanced swelling, blood clotting, and antibacterial activity. Cytocompatibility of the composite bandage has been analyzed in normal human dermal fibroblast cells. Cell attachment and infiltration studies showed that the cells were found attached to the nanocomposite bandages and penetrated into the interior. Furthermore, the in vivo evaluations in SpragueDawley rats revealed that these nanocomposite bandages enhanced the wound healing and helped for faster re-epithelialization and collagen deposition. The obtained data strongly encourage the use of these composite bandages for burn wounds, chronic wounds, and diabetic foot ulcers. © 2012 American Chemical Society.
Cite this Research Publication : P. T. Sudheesh Kumar, Lakshmanan, V. - K., Anilkumar, T. V., Ramya, C., Reshmi, P., Unnikrishnan, A. G., Nair, S. V., and Dr. Jayakumar Rangasamy, “Flexible and Microporous Chitosan Hydrogel/nano ZnO Composite Bandages for Wound Dressing: In Vitro and in Vivo Evaluation”, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, vol. 4, pp. 2618-2629, 2012.