Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : SDG 8 Livelihood
Publisher : Sustainable Futures
Source : Sustainable Futures, 7, 1-14 .
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School for Sustainable Futures, School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Year : 2024
Abstract : Fishing is crucial to livelihoods and development. However, unsustainable practices and shocks threaten this potential, which is worsened by limited research on technologies such as drones to enhance sustainable fishing. Our study used an exploratory qualitative approach involving 48 fishermen in Alappad in Kerala. The findings revealed that fishermen use either unsustainable or traditional practices. Due to increasing familiarity with new technologies, fishermen have positive attitudes toward drone use. Using these narratives, we ideated the characteristics of feasible drone(s) for sustainable localized fishing. The success of drone adoption/use is dependent on fishermen's positive attitudes.
Cite this Research Publication : Isaac Lukambagire, Agrah T, J. Sophie von Lieres, Baker Matovu, and Rao R. Bhavani, (2024)., "Fishermen's Attitudes Towards Drone Use for Sustainable Fishing in a Coastal Community in Kerala, India: An Exploratory Qualitative Study," Sustainable Futures, 7, 1-14 . | Impact Factor - 5.5