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Findings of the Shared Task on Multimodal Abusive Language Detection and Sentiment Analysis in Tamil and Malayalam

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : Third Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages

Source : (2023) DravidianLangTech 2023 - 3rd Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages, associated with 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 72-79., DOI: 10.26615/978-954-452-085-4_010

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Artificial Intelligence - Coimbatore

Center : Computational Engineering and Networking

Year : 2023

Abstract : This paper summarizes the shared task on mul- timodal abusive language detection and senti- ment analysis in Dravidian languages as part of the third Workshop on Speech and Lan- guage Technologies for Dravidian Languages at RANLP 2023. This shared task provides a platform for researchers worldwide to sub- mit their models on two crucial social media data analysis problems in Dravidian languages - abusive language detection and sentiment anal- ysis. Abusive language detection identifies so- cial media content with abusive information, whereas sentiment analysis refers to the prob- lem of determining the sentiments expressed in a text. This task aims to build models for detect- ing abusive content and analyzing fine-grained sentiment from multimodal data in Tamil and Malayalam. The multimodal data consists of three modalities - video, audio and text. The datasets for both tasks were prepared by collect- ing videos from YouTube. Sixty teams partici- pated in both tasks. However, only two teams submitted their results. The submissions were evaluated using macro F1-score.

Cite this Research Publication : Premjith, B., Jyothish Lal, G., Sowmya, V., Chakravarthi, B.R., Natarajan, R., Nandhini, K., Murugappan, A., Bharathi, B., Kaushik, M., Prasanth, S.N., Raj, R.A., Vijai Simmon, S., "Findings of the Shared Task on Multimodal Abusive Language Detection and Sentiment Analysis in Tamil and Malayalam," (2023) DravidianLangTech 2023 - 3rd Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages, associated with 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing, RANLP 2023 - Proceedings, pp. 72-79., DOI: 10.26615/978-954-452-085-4_010

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