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Faster charging technique for an EV battery pack

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : AIP

Source : AIP Conference Proceedings

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2024

Abstract : The present and conventional charging methods for Lithium-Ion batteries primarily employs an open-loop strategy in which the temperature of the cells are not dynamically adjusted for the charging and discharging process. This results in faster deterioration of cell and battery life. This article presents the implementation of Constant Current - Constant Temperature - Constant Voltage (CCCTCV) charging technique which overcomes the above-mentioned issues by dynamically adjusting the charging process according to the cell temperature. Also, in this article, an EV charging station for a shopping mall is modeled using a guidebook published by WRI India and the Delhi Government for which the performance of CCCTCV charging technique is tested at both cell level and battery level and its performance is compared and analyzed with the conventional CCCV charging technique. Some interesting observations on the performance of CCCTCV charging for different C-ratings are also documented in this paper.

Cite this Research Publication : Sudev V.; Sindhu M.R., “Faster charging technique for an EV battery pack”, AIP Conference Proceedings,2024

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