Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : research Gate
Source : The Indian Veterinary Journal
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Agricultural Sciences
Year : 2021
Abstract : Soil forming factors act as a central core in soil science which covers the soil system, environmental system and physiographic features. Soil forming factors is related parallel with morphological characteristics, physical and chemical properties of soil. Soil forming factors are constant but their products are dynamic, because it varied depends on the location with respect to climatic factor, environmental factor and type of parent material. Parent rock undergoes weathering via soil forming factors and produce varied types of soil with respect their characteristics. Morphological characteristics gave a prelude idea about any type of soil virtually. Based on the eye sight assessment of soil type survey and the soil data are recorded by means of pedological investigations.
Cite this Research Publication : V. Sabarees Kumar,, Luiz Everson da Silva, Deepak Chandran, R. Suresh Kumar, V. Marthandan, keerthana krishna kumar, P. Naveen Kumar, Sangeetha K,S., Pran Mohan Kumar and M. Yasodha, Factors of soil formation and morphological characteristics of soil – A Review", The Indian Veterinary Journal