Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Journal Head Neck Physicians Surgeons
Source : Journal Head Neck Physicians Surgeons, 2022;10:36-42. DOI:10.4103/jhnps.jhnps_30_22 (REVIEW ARTICLE)
Url :
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : General Surgery
Year : 2022
Abstract : Facial nerve (FN) anatomy is an enigma and its knowledge helps in safe and adequate parotidectomy without compromising the nerve. A review of the literature was done by searching the databases in PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Google Scholar using the keywords “Parotid,” “FNT,” “Anatomy,” “Surgery,” and “Parotidectomy” and retrieving about 433 manuscripts fulfilling our requirements. FNT anatomy has been described in detail dividing the extracranial FNT under “Exit,” “Trunk,” “Pes Anserinus,” “Divisions,” “Branches,” “Communications,” “Relationships,” and “Termination.” Normal anatomy and variations including classification of the variation have been done. Knowledge of FNT anatomy helps in performing a safe parotidectomy. It is possible to preempt the course of the nerve and dissect the gland in a precise and rapid fashion, especially in surgery for a recurrence.
Cite this Research Publication : Ramachandran R, Pillai AV, "Facial nerve anatomy revisited - A surgeon's perspective," Journal Head Neck Physicians Surgeons, 2022;10:36-42. DOI:10.4103/jhnps.jhnps_30_22 (REVIEW ARTICLE)