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Fabrication of a Configurable Multi-Potentiostat for LOC Applications

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Thematic Areas : Biotech

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings

Source : Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier Ltd, Volume 5, Number 8, p.16732-16739 (2018)

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Campus : Amritapuri, Coimbatore

School : School of Biotechnology, School of Engineering

Center : Biosensor Research Lab, Biotechnology

Department : biotechnology, Electronics and Communication, Sciences

Year : 2018

Abstract : This paper describes the development of a portable, cost effective reconfigurable multi-analyte detection electronics meter module for Lab-on-a-chip applications. A low costpotentiostat(LMP91000) was used as the analog front end (AFE) in this work. The advanced core microcontroller from Microchip (PIC16LF1783) was used for controlling the different operation of the meter. The current obtained by amperometrictechniques was calibrated and displayed on a graphical LCD and alsodisplayed on a smart phone using Bluetooth technology.

Cite this Research Publication : V. S. Raj, Stanley, J., and Dr. Satheesh Babu T. G., “Fabrication of a Configurable Multi-Potentiostat for LOC Applications”, in Materials Today: Proceedings, 2018, vol. 5, pp. 16732-16739.

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