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Eyewear Detector with Clap on Technology

Publication Type : Patents

Publisher : U.S. Patent

Source : U.S. Patent 201841007833 A 2018.

Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electrical and Electronics

Year : 2018

Abstract : This invention deals with the difficulties of people with short sighted eye sight in identifying the power glasses. Generally people with short sighted eye sight have difficulties in finding their power glasses in an ease, this invention will help these kinds of people to find their pair of eyewear without any discomfort. It is a lucid system which reacts upon a clapping sound of a person and glows a LED along with a buzzing sound, this glowing LED light and the sound will engage the person effortlessly so that he can find his pair of eyewear without any hardship. This ideology involves fewer components and also they are smaller which can be easily fitted into conventional eyewears that are used currently.

Cite this Research Publication : Anand Rajendran, “Eyewear Detector with Clap on Technology”, U.S. Patent 201841007833 A 2018.

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