Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Emerald Publishing Limited
Source : Social Enterprise Journal
Url :
Keywords : Social innovation, Social enterprise, co-creation, co-design, Action research, India
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School for Sustainable Futures
Center : Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA)
Department : Sustainable Development
Year : 2021
Abstract : Social innovation (SI) has been promoted by policymakers for addressing all kinds of social issues in the context of diminishing government resources. It is, however, difficult to assess the efficiency of SI-based public policies, as the process of SI itself remains largely nebulous. The purpose of this paper is to better understand this process with a focus on its early stage, until the point of identifying a socially innovative idea and in the context of disadvantaged rural communities in India.
Cite this Research Publication : Cornet, S., & Barpanda, S. (2021). Exploring social innovation through co-creation in rural india using action research. Social Enterprise Journal, 17(2), 240-259. (IF=2.75)