Publication Type : Book Chapter
Publisher : Springer
Source : Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
Url :
Keywords : Poverty, Income generation, Rural village, Sustainable income, Fishponds, Live-in-Labs®
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School for Sustainable Futures
Center : Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA)
Department : Sustainable Development
Year : 2022
Abstract : Global climate changes are having a severe impact on India’s agricultural sector in impoverished rural areas. Addressed in this study, many who have depended upon agriculture are experiencing climatic changes, leading to problems in sustaining secure livelihoods. To mitigate this risk, other sources of income need to be introduced to supplement agricultural income. This paper examines alternative income sources that provide an option for a sustainable income in a rural village of West Bengal, India. The prevalent technologies available in the village were assessed, besides those introduced, to realize sustainable augmented income goals. Studies revealed that village resources comprised fishponds, a poultry farm for producing and selling eggs, and small-scale kitchen gardens. Results also showed a lack of knowledge of other ways of additional income generation among villagers. Close observation of the current occupational practices determined that technological innovations could be introduced to maximize available village resources for improved sustainable income, concurrent with traditional agricultural activities. For example, an innovative engineering design can increase vegetable gardening and sales through a sophisticated system of maximizing outcomes in a small space, introducing watering technologies and temperature modifiers.
Cite this Research Publication : Vishnu Priya, P.S. et al. (2022). Exploration of Technology-Driven Income Sources for an Agricultural Community in West Bengal, India. In: Senjyu, T., Mahalle, P., Perumal, T., Joshi, A. (eds) IOT with Smart Systems. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, vol 251. Springer, Singapore.