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Experimental Investigation on Corrosive Behavior of Boiler Material Using Polarization Technique

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Elsevier

Source : Procedia Materials Science, vol. 5, pp 1274 -1280, 2014.

Url :

Campus : Nagercoil

School : School of Computing

Year : 2014

Abstract : Corrosion involves destruction of metals due to their chemical or electro chemical interaction with the surrounding medium. The reaction consists of oxidation and reduction. The reduction can lead to evolution of hydrogen, reduction of oxygen or precipitation of the metals from the solution. Corrosion monitoring is important aspect in the development of materials. The factors affecting the corrosion properties are acidic, alkaline, or salt content of the medium, rate and motion of the fluid medium, temperature, pH, composition and structure of the metal and its surface conditions. In this research paper corrosion effects on boiler material – MS (SA 516 Gr.70) was investigated under chemical salts (NaOH, Na2SNa2CO3). A weight loss method is used to measure the corrosion rate. Polarization Technique was also used to calculate the corrosion rate under chemical salt for varying concentration. The experimental results showed that the corrosion rate increases with increase in the concentration of chemical salt NaOH and Na2S. But the rate of corrosion decreases with increase in the concentration of Na2CO3

Cite this Research Publication : Ragunath, S., Velmurugan, C., and Kannan, T., “Experimental Investigation on Corrosive Behavior of Boiler Material Using Polarization Technique”, Procedia Materials Science, vol. 5, pp 1274 -1280, 2014

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