Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Source : IEEE Potentials
Url :
Keywords : Prototypes, Technological innovation, Food waste, Biogas, Training, STEM, Creativity
Campus : Amritapuri
Center : Ammachi labs
Year : 2024
Abstract : This article discusses the significance of incorporating global challenges, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs), into STEM education and its positive influence on creativity, innovation, and 21st century skill development for K–12 students. Through the IEEE STEAM for Social Good program, we motivated students from diverse backgrounds to start engaging in constructionist learning by devising solutions utilizing engineering and technology skills for mock social scenarios. This hands-on approach helped students get a sneak peek into the product design process using affordable and accessible technologies. The Amrita ATL Marathon Training and Mentorship program is designed as a follow-on phase of a student’s innovation journey of converting their social innovation ideas into working prototypes by following the IEEE engineering design process. Both these programs not only aim to equip students with future-oriented skills but also foster social awareness and a growth mindset. Students learn to navigate the complexities of designing, prototyping, and iterating technology-based solutions, with some solutions culminating in patent filings and seed grant funding. The transformative impact of these twin programs is highlighted through the engineering design process journey of three students who developed a portable biogas digester to manage food waste by residents of apartment complexes in India, demonstrating the ingenuity of student innovations in addressing environmental challenges.
Cite this Research Publication : Gayathri Manikutty, Arjun Venugopal, Pranav Prabha, Mahesh S. Unnithan, Amrin P. A., Bhavani Rao R., Experiential learning in K–12 schools through social innovation projects [STEM Education], IEEE Potentials, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024,