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Evaluation of Tensile, Flexural and Impact Properties on Sisal / Glass Reinforced Polymer Hybrid Composites

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research

Source : Indian Journal of Engineering & Material Sciences, vol. 25, pp. 425 -431, 2018.

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Campus : Nagercoil

School : School of Computing

Department : Mechanical Engineering

Year : 2018

Abstract : The effective utilization of natural fibers is the main objective of the present research work. But natural fibers alone is not to meet the required strength properties. Hence, one more artificial material is to be added for obtaining required strength. The study undergone on sisal- glass fiber reinforced polymer composites, it is developed by heat compression moulding techniques and their mechanical properties such as tensile, flexural and impact strength are evaluated experimentally under the ASTM standards. The binding properties, internal crack and fiber alignments are examined by morphological test. It is observed that, the tensile strength of sisal/glass fiber composites produce 255.80 MPa. It is approximately same strength (260.10 MPa) of artificial fiber composites. Hence, the use of artificial fibers are minimized by addition of natural fiber which reduces cost of materials and utilization of natural resources. From the SEM test, fiber misalignments are over loading of fibers on composites leads decline in strength. The moisture and wax content of natural fiber may decrease hardness value (23.0 RHN).

Cite this Research Publication : Ragunath, S., Velmurugan, C., Kannan, T. and Thirugnanam, S. “Evaluation of Tensile, Flexural and Impact Properties on Sisal / Glass Reinforced Polymer Hybrid Composites”, Indian Journal of Engineering & Material Sciences, vol. 25, pp. 425 -431, 2018

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