Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Humana
Source : Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2465. Humana, New York, NY
Url :
Campus : Faridabad
Center : Amrita Research Center Delhi
Year : 2022
Abstract : Recently, we have shown that fate of a vaccine is determined by the cytokine milieu in the innate immune compartment at the early stage of vaccination. Specifically, 24 h post-delivery, level of innate lymphoid cell type 2 ILC2-derived IL-13/IL-13Rα2 are the master regulators of DC and also different ILC subsets responsible for modulating the downstream immune outcomes. Here, we provide step-by-step details how to assess different ILC and DC subsets in lung and muscle following intranasal and intramuscular viral vector vaccination, respectively, using multi-color flow cytometry and confocal microscopy.
Cite this Research Publication : Li, Z., Roy, S., and Ranasinghe, C. (2022). Evaluation of Innate Lymphoid Cells and Dendritic Cells Following Viral Vector Vaccination. In: Brun, A. (eds) Vaccine Technologies for Veterinary Viral Diseases. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2465. Humana, New York, NY