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Ethical, Social, and Economic Challenges in Managing a Child with Dravet Syndrome in a Developing Country

Publication Type : Case Reports

Source : Journal of Pediatric Epilepsy

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Campus : Faridabad

School : School of Medicine

Year : 2020

Abstract : Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disorder with a significant impact on sociocultural and economic aspects. The management of epilepsy in low-middle income countries (LMICs) is influenced by many factors such as disease burden, poverty, educational status, the reflection of the disease as a social stigma, diverse religious beliefs, and treatment expense. Despite the improvement in educational and social parameters, the stigmatization of the disease is still evident in many LMICs. The associated comorbidities and neurodevelopmental disorders further add to the cost and stigmatization. The pediatric neurologists/epileptologists in LMICs are encountered by distinctive ethical, social, and economic dilemmas during the patient care and management of epilepsy. This article discusses the various ethical dilemmas in a child with Dravet syndrome in a developing country.

Cite this Research Publication : Gulati, Sheffali, Rahul Sinha, and Priyanka Madaan. "Ethical, social, and economic challenges in managing a child with dravet syndrome in a developing country." Journal of Pediatric Epilepsy 9, no. 03 (2020): 094-096.

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