Publication Type : Journal Article
Source : Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2022
Url :
Keywords : Biceps femoris, Rectus femoris, sEMG, ANOVA, ANFIS, NARX
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Department : Mechanical
Verified : No
Year : 2022
Abstract : The estimation of knee joint torque is important for the development of powered exoskeletons to achieve ideal gait characteristics. In this study, we proposed three different models to predict the required torque for performing sit-to-stand (STS) and back-to-sit (BTS) movements. The surface electromyography (sEMG) signals were extracted from the biceps femoris and rectus femoris muscles during STS and BTS movements. The time-domain features selected as input to the models for torque prediction are integrated EMG (iEMG), root mean square (RMS), and mean absolute value (MAV). Two-way ANOVA analysis identifies the significance of NN models and EMG features of the muscles in predicting the knee joint torque requirement. The artificial neural network models selected for prediction are the feed-forward back-propagation algorithm, ANFIS, and NARX. The theoretical value of knee joint torque calculated using the Lagrange method was compared with the torque output for each model based on root mean square error (RMSE). The desired torque predicted using the NARX model confirms to have the least average error (0.9±0.4
Nm), which indicates that NARX can estimate knee joint torque more accurately from sEMG than other models.
Cite this Research Publication : Akhil, V. M., M. Ashmi, V. Jobin, P. K. Rajendrakumar, and K. S. Sivanandan. "ESTIMATION OF KNEE JOINT TORQUE DURING SIT–STAND MOVEMENT BASED ON sEMG SIGNALS USING NEURAL NETWORKS." Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (2022): 2250024. IF-0.883