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Estimation of air pollution using remote sensing technique in coimbatore-a case study

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : 2015 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP)

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Center : Computational Engineering and Networking

Year : 2015

Abstract : In almost all cities in the world, people breathe dirty air. Air pollution concentration has been rapidly increasing in the major urban areas mainly due to the increasing use of vehicles. Urbanization is changing the people's life style, along with it they have serious issues related to health and environment damage. Hysplit4 is simulation software which is used to simulate the trajectory and concentration of the pollutants. GDAS is the common data used for simulating both plot. Path of the pollutants is traced with respect to the given meteorological data (wind speed, direction, temperature), since the pollutants move according to local wind pattern and speed. Meanwhile, concentration plot is simulated to assess the amount of pollutants in specified geographical area. Both the plots have been for the particular study area according to the presence of the pollutants. Generation of these plots will help the environmentalist to pre plan the industrial site, safe chimney height, for planning road ways etc.

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