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Enhancement of dynamical robustness in a mean-field coupled network through self-feedback delay

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : arXiv preprint arXiv

Source : arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.13405 (2020)

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Mathematics

Year : 2020

Abstract : In this article, we propose a very efficient technique to enhance the dynamical robustness for a network of mean-field coupled oscillators experiencing aging transition. In particular, we present a control mechanism based on delayed negative self-feedback, which can effectively enhance dynamical activities in a mean-field coupled network of active and inactive oscillators. Even for a small value of delay, robustness gets enhanced to a significant level. In our proposed scheme, the enhancing effect is more pronounced for strong coupling. To our surprise even if all the oscillators perturbed to equilibrium mode delayed negative self-feedback able to restore oscillatory activities in the network for strong coupling strength. We demonstrate that our proposed mechanism is independent of coupling topology. For a globally coupled network, we provide numerical and analytical treatment to verify our claim. Also, for global coupling to establish the generality of our scheme, we validate our results for both Stuart-Landau limit cycle oscillators and chaotic Rossler oscillators. To show that our scheme is independent of network topology, we also provide numerical results for the local mean-field coupled complex network.

Cite this Research Publication : Amit Sharma and Dr. Biswambhar Rakshit, “Enhancement of dynamical robustness in a mean-field coupled network through self-feedback delay”, arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.13405, 2020.

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