Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : Springer Singapore
Source : Advances in Materials and Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICFTMME 2020 (pp. 13-22). Springer Singapore
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Chemistry
Year : 2020
Abstract : In this research work, authors have used poly (trans-2,3-dimethylacrylic acid) modified electrode as a novel electrocatalyst for the electrochemical sensing of environmental pollutant and group 2B carcinogen hydrazine. The modification was attained using potentiodynamic electropolymerization in phosphate buffer medium. Morphological analysis of the electropolymerized electrode was conducted using field-emission scanning electron microscope, and the catalytic effect was studied using cyclic voltammetry. A much lowered overpotential of +0.252 V versus Ag/AgCl (1 M KCl) was obtained for the electrochemical oxidation of hydrazine at the poly (trans-2,3-dimethylacrylic acid) film casted electrode. Differential pulse voltammetry was applied to measure the hydrazine concentrations varying from 20 M to 4 mM. Moreover, the sensor exhibited good selectivity, sensitivity, and repeatability. Practical usage of the sensor was tested in different kinds of water samples.
Cite this Research Publication : Krishnan, R.G., Saraswathyamma, B., Gopika, S., Vibhooshann, P., Aravind, A. and Gopika, M.G., 2021. Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Poly (Trans-2, 3-Dimethylacrylic Acid) Modified Electrode for Hydrazine Sensing. In Advances in Materials and Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of ICFTMME 2020 (pp. 13-22). Springer Singapore