Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : The International Journal Of Science Technoledge (IJST)
Source : The International Journal Of Science & Technoledge (IJST), Volume III, Issue VI (2015)
Url :
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2015
Abstract : Present industry is increasingly shifting towards automation. In order to aid for the tedious work and to serve the mankind,today there is a need to develop an intelligent operation. This paper has shown the concept of a smart car parking system. Everything in the modern world is being smart enough, we have built a system which can allot a unique vacant slot by prioritizing in such a way that the available slot nearest to the entry for the every incoming car. This automated car parking system reduces the time taken to check the space for vehicles by displaying the available spaces for parking on a LCD by using infra-red (IR) sensors installed at the every slot. In our proposed system the user is informed about the parking slot availability and where to park i.e. displaying the slot number on LCD. At Entry and exit point authentication is done by RFID technology. Parking-lot payment is also done automatically through authenticated gateway. Costs will be reduced considerably using this technology and also traffic can be avoided to a large extent.
Cite this Research Publication : Ms. Priya B. K., Mr. T. Sandeep, Ms. D. Vineela Chandra, and Ms. V. Swarna, “Energy Efficient and Secured Smart Car Parking System”, The International Journal Of Science & Technoledge (IJST), vol. III, no. VI, 2015.