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Electrochemical quantification of vitamin B9 on poly tyrosine modified pencil graphite electrode

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : IOP Publishing

Source : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Publishing, Volume 872, p.012128 (2020)

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Arts and Sciences

Center : Research & Projects

Department : Chemistry

Verified : Yes

Year : 2020

Abstract : An electrochemically polymerized tyrosine film on pencil graphite substrate was found to be an affordable electrochemical sensor for vitamin B9 or folic acid. The electrochemical characteristics of the electrode was studied using cyclic and differential pulse voltammetric techniques in phosphate buffer (pH 7). The surface study of the electrode was carried out by scanning electron microscopy. The sensor showed a linear range from 1μM – 85 μM concentration range by means of differential pulse voltammetry. A good repeatability was obtained for the developed sensor and was utilized for the sustainable application in pharmaceutical tablets.

Cite this Research Publication : A Santhy, Dr. Beena S., Veena,, and Shahina, S., “Electrochemical quantification of vitamin B9 on poly tyrosine modified pencil graphite electrode”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, vol. 872, p. 012128, 2020

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