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Electrochemical quantification of Vanillin using hydrazine derivative modified pencil graphite electrode

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings

Source : Materials Today: Proceedings, 80, pp.558-563

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Chemistry

Year : 2023

Abstract : Herein this report, a disposable electrochemical sensor was developed by modifying pencil graphite electrode by Poly 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (PDNPH) using electropolymerizing technique for the detection of Vanillin (Van) or 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzaldehyde. Electrochemical estimation of Vanillin was done with the help of Cyclic Voltammetry and Differential pulse voltametric techniques. The morphological characteristics were studied using SEM analysis. A single oxidation peak was obtained for Vanillin at the potential of + 0.5214 V. The adapted electrode exhibits a linear range of 1 M 900 M with LOD of 0.34 M. The PDNPH/PG electrode was then used for real sample quantification and it manifested RSD value less than 5 % which revealed that the developed sensor is a favorable tool for quantification of Van. This is the first-time reporting Vanillin determination by using a modified pencil graphite electrode as working electrode in supporting electrolyte PBS 7.

Cite this Research Publication : Sreelekshmi, Wilson, A., Sajeevan, B., Gopika, M.G., Babu, A., Sreedhar, K.M. and Saraswathyamma, B., 2023. Electrochemical quantification of Vanillin using hydrazine derivative modified pencil graphite electrode. Materials Today: Proceedings, 80, pp.558-563

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