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Efficient storage and retrieval of medical records using fusion-based multimodal biometrics

Publisher : International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2018

Abstract :

Biometrics helps to uniquely identify a person using their biological features and hence is used to develop systems with a high level of security. Multimodal biometrics further increases the level of security and provides controlled access, using the combination of multiple traits to identify a person. This paper presents an application of multimodal biometrics to efficiently store, access and retrieve medical records of a patient, which is independent of the hospital servers across the country. In case of emergencies, where it is important to know the medical history of a patient, the record can securely be accessed from a cloud server by using their biometric traits. Here we use two traits, face print and fingerprint to simulate the process of uniquely identifying a patient's record which is stored on a cloud server. The records can only be accessed by authorised representatives of the hospitals, which preserve its confidentiality. Feature level fusion technique is used to determine if a record, corresponding to a patient is available in the database. Cryptographic methods like shuffling algorithms are applied for further security of the records. © 2018 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.

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