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Efficient Hand Gesture Recognition for Traffic Control System Using ti Sensor Tag

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : IEEE

Source : International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI)

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Campus : Nagercoil

School : School of Computing

Year : 2018

Abstract : In this paper, we are describing the hand gesture recognition mechanism using the accelerometer values of the TI Sensor Tag for controlling the Traffic lights. The TI Sensor Tag is aBLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) device which consumes very low power during its operation and it uses single coin battery for months of life. It uses the Bluez Library for reading the data from different sensors of Sensor Tag. Now-a-days the traffic on the road has been increasing drastically due to increase in number of vehicle users. On the other hand the simple time based traffic control system is not sufficient for controlling the uneven traffic on the roads during peak hours, which calls for a new Traffic control system. The gesture technology has become very popular for HMI (Human Machine Interface), which provides a virtual environment for controlling devices by giving Gestures. Here we used the Ti Sensor Tag for Hand Gesture Recognition.

Cite this Research Publication : Yasmeen, Gandluri, S. Arun, J. N. Swaminathan, S. A. K. Jilani, and S. Asif. "Efficient Hand Gesture Recognition for Traffic Control System Using ti Sensor Tag." In 2018 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), pp. 1-3. IEEE, 2018.

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