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Effective Intervention For Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Based On Sentiment Analysis

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Publisher : Best paper award

Source : International Conferences on Innovative Engineering and Technologies (ICIET’16) & Civil and Structural Engineering (ICCSE’16) , Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Year : 2016

Abstract :

Cite this Research Publication : J.Jeyalakshmi, S.Poonkuzhali, S.Sreesubha, R.Deepa ,S.Poonkuzhali, “Effective Intervention For Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Based On Sentiment Analysis”, presented at International Conferences on Innovative Engineering and Technologies (ICIET’16) & Civil and Structural Engineering (ICCSE’16) , Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia, May.5-6, 2016. (BEST PAPER AWARD)

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