Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Am J Ind Med.
Source : Am J Ind Med. 2005 Mar 17;47(4):341-348
Url :
Campus : Faridabad
Year : 2005
Abstract : Background: Indian tractor drivers operate their tractors and other implements/equipment in an environment which can have extreme temperatures and high level of suspended particulate matter. In addition, Indian tractors do not have adequate vibration and noise attenuating designs features. This cross-sectional study compares the hearing status of tractor driving farmers (TDFs) (study group) and non-tractor driving farmers (NTDFs) (control group) matched for age, sex, generic/ethnic group, land holding, education levels, and work routines.
Method: Two groups of 50 experienced tractor-driving farmers and 50 non-driving farmers were selected from 2 villages, 50 km from Delhi. All participants were interviewed for details of work routine and noise exposures. An audiogram was performed and noise measurements taken on tractors and other machines.
Results: Self-reported hearing problems were similar (4 cases each) in both the groups of 50 farmers. However, audiogram analysis showed higher prevalence of abnormalities in TDFs. TDFs (24) had more often high frequency hearing loss when compared to NTDFs (14). The noise levels observed on tractors in different operations were in the range of 90-110 dB (A).
Conclusions: Tractor noise levels exceeded the recommended safe limits of OSHA and NIOSH prescribed standards. TDFs had higher high frequency hearing loss than NTDFs. The mechanism of damage and prevention needs to be studied further.
Cite this Research Publication : Kumar A, Mathur NN, Varghese M, Mohan D, Singh JK, Mahajan P. Effect of tractor driving on hearing loss in farmers in India. Am J Ind Med. 2005 Mar 17;47(4):341-348