Publication Type : Conference Paper
Publisher : IOP Publishing
Source : IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Url :
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Physical Sciences
Department : Physics
Year : 2022
Abstract : Organic based thin film solar cells have achieved considerable power conversion efficiency (PCE). As there is a desire to the benefits of on-demand energy production, future world energy consumption will continue to rise. Bilayer organic solar cell has two active layers in between conductive electrodes. Present report, is a simulation study to compare the PCE of bilayer organic solar cells by varying one of its active layer material using General-Purpose Photovoltaic Device Model or GPVDM software. The materials used for active layer are MEH-M3EH-PPV, MEH-DOO-PPV, MEH-PPV and M3EH-PPV based on the degree of alkyl substitutions. Data of absorption spectrum, refractive index spectrum and photoluminescence spectrum are added as input and obtained the simulation results. Values of power conversion efficiencies, fill factor and other photovoltaic parameter values for each bilayer organic solar cell is obtained. Transmittance spectrum, reflectance spectrum, Current density-Voltage plot, variation of charge density and total charge density with applied voltage are attained from the simulation and compared. The results give out effect of side chain alkyl substitution on efficiency of bilayer organic solar cell. MEH-DOO-PPV with longest alkyl side chain substitution has maximum power conversion efficiency. This intuition helps to design suitable bilayer organic solar cell, which has got its relevant applications in the optoelectronics.
Cite this Research Publication : S Rugma, B Devu, C O Sreekala, Effect of Alkyl Substitution to the Active Layer Material for Improved Efficiency in Bilayer Organic Solar Cell, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Publishing, 2022,