Publication Type : Book Chapter
Publisher : SpringerNature
Source : In: Hu, YC., Tiwari, S., Trivedi, M., Mishra, K. (eds) Ambient Communications and Computer Systems. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1097. Springer, Singapore
Url :,content%20to%20the%20center%20repository.
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Computing
Center : Computational Linguistics and Indic Studies
Year : 2020
Abstract : M-learning or mobile learning is the fastest-evolving learning technology, and it has ample opportunities in global learning technical industry. If the app is designed very well with respect to its implementation, then it will definitely fulfill the purpose of learning and discovery. In accordance with this context, we have aimed at designing of an educational app EA-ASU. The proposed app aims at teaching and self-learning, even by any person who does not even have any professional knowledge regarding this. EA-ASU models any real-world learning scenarios where any user can access the various digital collection of study materials. At the same time, user can modify or upload any content to the center repository. It has also been concluded that EA-ASU, when deployed among students, was found to be very beneficial to them and it was able to improve their learning capability at ease.
Cite this Research Publication : SijiRani, S.,Krishnanunni, S. (2020).Educational App for Android-Specific Users—EA-ASU. In: Hu, YC., Tiwari, S., Trivedi, M., Mishra, K. (eds) Ambient Communications and Computer Systems. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1097. Springer, Singapore.