Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : IJEEE
Source : International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering IJEEE, Volume 1, Number 1 (2011)
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electrical and Electronics
Year : 2011
Abstract : Dynamic Voltage Scaling is an innovative technique for reducing the power consumption of a processor by utilizing its hardware functionality. Dynamic Voltage Scaling processors are mainly focusing on power management. Such processors can be switch between discrete frequency and voltage levels. The main challenges of Dynamic Voltage Scaling are increased number of preemptions and frequency switching. A part of dynamic energy as well as CPU time is lost due to theseprocesses. To limit such processes, an algorithm is proposed which reduces both unwanted frequency switching and preemptions.
Cite this Research Publication : A. Lekshmi Mohan and Dr. Anju Pillai S., “Dynamic voltage scaling with reduced frequency switching and preemptions”, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering IJEEE, vol. 1, 2011.