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Dynamic Virtual Energy Management with Industry 4.0 applications using IIOT & Data Analytics

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Source : Conference: ECEREX 2017At: Hyderabad, India, 2017

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Business

Verified : No

Year : 2017

Abstract : The world is taking up a digital transformation starting from governance to cab booking. Energy management is also undergoing this digital transformation with availability of economical Industrial Internet of Things solutions. Machines report their energy per unit utilization automatically when there is an exception from threshold. Manual offline (past) data Analysis is getting transformed to (near) real time online machine learned data analytics which compares the energy consumption pattern with various scenarios like model mix, environment conditions etc., Many success stories are reported by leading manufactures and corporates but this domain is still evolving. This session show case the application of this dynamic data driven virtual energy auditing and management with live real time implemented case studies from leading companies in India.

Cite this Research Publication : Somasundaram Balasubramaniam "Dynamic Virtual Energy Management with Industry 4.0 applications using IIOT & Data Analytics", Conference: ECEREX 2017At: Hyderabad, India, 2017

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