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Dynamic bandwidth allocation in an sdn environment using qos queues and open flow

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Source : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Volume Vol. 12, Issue 1, p.1060-1073 (2020)

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Keywords : API - Application Program Interface, BW – Bandwidth., MAC - Media Access Control, OVS - Open v Switch, QoS - Quality of Service, SDN - Software Defined Network/Networking

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2020

Abstract : A Software Defined Network can be used to separate the data and control planes of networking components and to create a centralized control plane, called the SDN Controller which acts as the brain of the network. The controller governs the actions of the individual components of the network. It uses two types of API to communicate with the networking components, namely, northbound and southbound APIs. A southbound APIl is used by the controller to send configurations and flow-rules to the connected networking components. By taking advantage of these flow-rules, a network can be made more dynamic and software controlled. In the current networking scenario, users gain access to the internet via an ISP who allocates a fixed bandwidth to the user regardless of the bandwidth usage by the user. This is disadvantageous to both end user and the ISP as bandwidth is not conserved during idle times. The intent of this research paper is to discuss the steps in building a network application working in an SDN environment which allows users to request the controller for a fixed amount of bandwidth for a specified amount of time to any other host that is connected to the topology. The network application is built on top of an SDN controller, and works by configuring QoS queues and flow- rules onto connected networking components with help of the southbound API Open Flow. The configured QoS queues limit bandwidth to minimum & maximum values, and the flow-rules en-queue traffic from different hosts onto the created QoSqueues. The client side of the network application may run on any node in the topology and is designed to send bandwidth requests to the controller. The controller responds to the client-application with response codes representing the success/failure of bandwidth allocation. We start by presenting the fundamentals of SDNs, followed by implementation of the network application in a scalable network topology deployed as an SDN.

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Radhika N., V., A., K.N., K., P., M., and N.C., S. Ram, “Dynamic bandwidth allocation in an sdn environment using qos queues and open flow”, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. Vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 1060-1073, 2020.

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