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Drug Interactions in Oncology Patients Receiving Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : SynthesisHub Advance Scientific Research

Source : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Medical Oncology

Year : 2021

Abstract :

Objective: To identify and evaluate the drug-drug interactions (DDIs) associated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) among oncology patients with solid tumours. Methods: One hundred and twenty adult patients with solid tumours prescribed TKI therapy were enrolled in the 7 months study. Demographic and medication details were obtained from the patient's medical records and patient interview. Lexicomp® Interaction Module was used for the assessment of the severity of interactions between TKIs and concomitant medications. Results: Eighty six out of 120 patients enrolled in this study showed at least one DDI. Among the 89 DDIs observed during the study period, 67% (n = 60) belonged to D category while the remaining belonged to X category (n = 29). Among the TKIs, gefitinib (42%, n=37) followed by pazopanib (30%, n= 27) contributed to the majority of drug interactions. The most frequently observed drug interactions were between TKIs and gastric acid-suppressive agents like pantoprazole, ranitidine, rabeprazole, magnesium hydroxide and omeprazole which constituted 73% of the drug interactions. Interventions or recommendations for the management of these DDIs were put forward, including spacing between the TKI and concomitant medication during administration and alternatives for treatment. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors have become an integral part of oncology practice, but there are many challenges like DDIs, which can affect the clinical outcomes. Hence, the identification and management of these DDIs are essential for improving the clinical outcome and quality of life of the patient. As a result, closer collaboration between oncologists and clinical pharmacists is necessary for the optimization of the treatment.

Cite this Research Publication : , Drug Interactions in Oncology Patients Receiving Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors, International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, SynthesisHub Advance Scientific Research, 2021,

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