Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Elsevier
Source : Applied Mathematics and Computation
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2022
Abstract : The problem of robust stabilization of interval type-2 fuzzy systems are studied by using equivalent-input-disturbance estimator-based event-triggered fuzzy control scheme. The estimator of the addressed system is designed by introducing new membership functions and then by using the same premises of the observer, the fuzzy controller is designed. To be precise, sampling-based event-triggered scheme is taken into the account in the controller design to save the communication resources and avoid the existence of Zeno behaviour. Furthermore, to compensate the impact of unknown disturbance, the equivalent-input-disturbance estimator-block is included as an internal loop of closed-loop system. To derive the stability conditions, a novel type of sampling-dependent piece-wise Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional is constructed. Then, by introducing slack matrices, the fuzzy membership function dependent stability criteria are derived. The event-triggered weighting matrix and the gains of controller and observer can be obtained by obtaining the solutions of the developed stability criteria. At last, numerical simulations are given to reflect the effectiveness and applicability of the developed theoretical results.
Cite this Research Publication : P. Selvaraj, O.M. Kwon, S.H. Lee, and R. Sakthivel, Disturbance rejections of interval type-2 fuzzy systems under event-triggered control scheme, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 431, 127323, Jun. 2022. (IF: 4.0)