Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Elsevier
Source : Journal of the Franklin Institute
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2022
Abstract : This paper deals with the problem of disturbance rejection and synchronization of fractional-order complex dynamical networks subject to nonlinear coupling strength and discontinuous nonlinear functions. Notably, the nonlinear coupling strength is linearised by using a well-known Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy approach. The considered system is transformed into a nominal form by employing the uncertainty and disturbance estimator-based control approach, which simplifies the control objective and improves the system performance. Second, the uncertainty and disturbance estimator is incorporated into the traditional feedback control scheme to reject the unknown disturbance and uncertainty. Then, the required synchronization conditions for both the discontinuous and continuous fractional-order systems are obtained by using Lyapunov stability and fractional calculus theories. Last, numerical examples are provided to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed control strategy, wherein it is shown that the system yields better satisfactory tracking performance and high robustness against possible disturbance and uncertainties and finite set of jump discontinuous nonlinear functions. Moreover, the selection of appropriate filter design is discussed for various kinds of disturbance signals.
Cite this Research Publication : P. Selvaraj, O.M. Kwon, S.H. Lee, and R. Sakthivel, Disturbance rejections and synchronization of fractional-order fuzzy complex networks, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 359 (18), 10741-10764, Dec. 2022. (IF: 4.1) ISSN NO 0016-0032