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DistilRoBERTa Based Sentence Embedding for Rhetorical Role Labelling of Legal Case Documents

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Source : CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3159, pp. 534-540.

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Artificial Intelligence, School of Artificial Intelligence - Coimbatore

Year : 2021

Abstract : In a country like India with a very dense and growing population, every year the number of legal judgements filed keep increasing. With increasing number of legal case documents, a systematic and structured organization of the files are essential for the smooth running of the legal system. As a part of AILA 2021, assigning rhetorical roles of legal documents was given as a shared task to automate the process. Deep Learning and Machine Learning models help achieve this task with ease and minimal error. For efficient information retrieval and classification, preprocessing and word embedding techniques such as sentence transformation have been discussed in the paper. Artificial Neural Networks performed the best and consequently, it was used to further evaluate and improve the prediction of the rhetorical roles. In comparison to other Machine Learning and Deep learning models trained for the task, a basic Artificial Neural Network with one hidden layer and 1024 × 2 neurons gave the maximum validation accuracy of 85.18% and testing precision of 30.9%.

Cite this Research Publication : Sudharsan, D., Asmitha, U., Premjith, B., Soman, K.P., "DistilRoBERTa Based Sentence Embedding for Rhetorical Role Labelling of Legal Case Documents," (2021) CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 3159, pp. 534-540.

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