Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Publisher : International Conference on Power, Circuit and Information Technology (ICPCIT-2015)
Source : International Conference on Power, Circuit and Information Technology (ICPCIT-2015), p.8 (2015)
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Computer Science
Year : 2015
Abstract : Video surveillance has become a common security need in the present-world scenario. The nighttime video surveillance becomes more challenging due to the presence of extreme illumination conditions, which is not uniform in a frame. Pedestrian detection would be very difficult under such illumination condition. The system proposes a method to identify and segregate the differently illuminated regions with the help of day-time reference image. Various enhancement techniques are applied on these regions separately and the results are combined to obtain the enhanced frame. Results of these techniques are summarized and appropriate methods are suggested for specific cases.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Padmavathi S. and Abirami, G., “Differential Iilumination Enhancement Technique For A Night Time Video”, International Conference on Power, Circuit and Information Technology (ICPCIT-2015). p. 8, 2015.