Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Source : Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 184, Number 10, p.5983-5988 (2012)
Url :
Keywords : 4 aminophenazone, absorption, absorption spectrophotometry, accuracy, Acidic buffers, acidity, Ampyrone, article, Beer law, Beer's law, buffer, Buffer medium, catalysis, chemical parameters, chemical reaction, complexing agent, Complexing agents, concentration (composition), concentration (parameters), controlled study, dibenzazepin, Dibenzazepin hydrochloride, Dibenzazepines, Ferrous iron, Green plants, hydrogen peroxide, Hydrogen peroxide concentration, ion, iron, nonhuman, Optical parameter, Optimum reaction conditions, oxidation, Oxidative couplings, pH, plant extract, Plant Extracts, Plants, reagent, Sandell sensitivity, Sandell's sensitivity, sensitivity analysis, Spectro-photometric method, spectrophotometry, Trace amounts, Trace analysis, unclassified drug, Viridiplantae
Campus : Bengaluru
School : School of Engineering
Department : Chemistry
Verified : Yes
Year : 2012
Abstract :
A rapid, simple, accurate, and sensitive visible spectrophotometric method for the determination of trace amounts of hydrogen peroxide in acidic buffer medium is reported. The proposed method is based on the oxidative coupling of Ampyrone with dibenzazepin hydrochloride by hydrogen peroxide in the buffer medium of pH 4.0 which is catalyzed by ferrous iron. The blue-colored product formed with maximum absorption at 620 nm was found to be stable for 2 h. Beer's law is obeyed for hydrogen peroxide concentration in the range of 0.03- 0.42 μg ml-1. The optimum reaction conditions and other important optical parameters are reported. The molar absorptive and Sandell's sensitivity are found to be 5.89×104 mol-1 cm-1 and 0.57 g/cm2, respectively. The interference due to diverse ions and complexing agents was studied. The method is successfully applied to the determination of hydrogen peroxide in green plants satisfactorily. © Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012.
Cite this Research Publication : Pa Nagaraja, Prakash, J. Sb, Asha, S. Cb, B.L. Bhaskar, and S. Anil Kumar, “Dibenzazepin hydrochloride as a new spectrophotometric reagent for determination of hydrogen peroxide in plant extracts”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 184, pp. 5983-5988, 2012.