Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Indian J Public Health
Source : Indian J Public Health. 2022 Nov;66
Url :
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Department of Community Medicine
Year : 2022
Abstract : Background: Delay in diagnosis and treatment enhances tuberculosis (TB) transmission and mortality. Understanding causes for delay can help in TB elimination by 2025, the stated goal of India. Objectives: Estimate diagnostic and treatment delay in Ernakulam district of Kerala, identify associated factors, and determine health-seeking behavior and knowledge regarding TB among new pulmonary TB patients. Materials and methods: Community-based cross-sectional study among the new pulmonary TB patients registered under Revised National TB Control Program. Patients interviewed in-person and data collected using pretested semi-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics expressed as frequency, percent, interquartile range, median, and mean. The Chi-square test was used to assess statistical significance (P < 0.05) of association. Backward conditional method logistic regression done using variables with P < 0.2 in univariate analysis and adjusting for possible confounders. Results: Two hundred and twenty-nine patients interviewed and the median patient, health-care system, and treatment delay were 25 days, 22 days, and 1 day, respectively. While the patient delay (>30 days) and treatment delay (>2 days) were seen in 47.6% and 41% of patients, respectively, health-care system delay was seen in 79.9% of the patients. Choosing pharmacy for initial treatment (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 5.217), unskilled occupation (aOR = 3.717), female gender (aOR = 3.467), previously not heard about TB (aOR = 3.410), and lower education level (aOR = 2.774) were the independent predictors of the patient delay. Visiting two or more doctors (aOR = 5.855) and initially visiting a doctor of undergraduate qualification (aOR = 3.650) were the independent predictors of health-care system delay. The diagnosis in private sector (aOR = 8.989), not being admitted (aOR = 3.441), and age above 60 years (aOR = 0.394) was the independent predictors of treatment delay. Conclusion: Initial treatment from pharmacy, consulting multiple physicians, and diagnosis by private sector cause significant delay in diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary TB.
Cite this Research Publication : Balasubramnian A, Francis PT, Leelamoni K, Rakesh PS, Lalu JS. Diagnostic and treatment delay among new pulmonary tuberculosis patients in Southern India: A cross-sectional study. Indian J Public Health. 2022 Nov;66(Supplement):S60-S65. doi: 10.4103/ijph.ijph_1079_22. PMID: 36412476.